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the sexual tension between me & what i’m capable of

Reposted from skydelan

“I don’t belong anywhere. I don’t want to go anywhere. I just wanted to be happy.”

Reposted from skydelan

The thing about being brave is it doesn’t come with the absence of fear and hurt.  Brave is the ability to look the fear and hurt in the face and say move aside, you are in the way.

Reposted from skydelan via lucja

Keep telling yourself you'll start once you take care of this or that. Keep telling yourself that it'll happen eventually.
Who are you fooling?

Look around you, look at all the losers in life. You think that guy sweeping floors didn't have dreams and aspirations like you?
Who the fuck do you think you are?

Go ahead and ask that guy what he wanted to be 20 years ago... then observe all the excuses he rattles off, listen to how he tells you what he didn't have, or about those illusionary "obstacles" that stopped him.
Sound familiar?

Let me guess... that won't be you, there is NO WAY that's going to be you, right? Look at you today, was this where you wanted to be 5 years ago?
What's your excuse?

Just don't be surprised when "tomorrow" and "someday" never come, and you're working your menial job all while living your miserable existence. Read More »

Reposted from stonerr via introweird